The Artist Boat Coastal Heritage Preserve Is Growing!
Our two newest acquisitions are unique and have much to offer

The Preserve is growing by leaps and bounds. We started the year with 548.64-acres of protected land and have grown to 604-acres. Our two newest acquisitions are unique and have much to offer.
The Moody Permanent Endowment Fund
This 8.2-acre tract was purchased with a grant from the Permanent Endowment Fund of Moody Memorial First United Methodist Church. It is adjacent to the Spanish Grant neighborhood as well as our new kayak and shade facility. This acquisition allows Artist Boat to provide inspiration and education through unique coastal experiences on west Galveston Island through facilitated programs and access. One unique feature of this tract is the many beautiful trees on the property. Additionally, this land has many bird species not previously seen on the Preserve, including a pair of Great Horned Owls.
West Bay Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP)
This 46.7-acre tract was purchased with a grant from the Coastal Impact Assistance Program in partnership with the Galveston Bay Estuary Program and Galveston Bay Foundation. Additional funding was provided by the Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation, Houston Endowment, and the Edward and Helen Oppenheimer Foundation. The property is heavily utilized by migratory and resident bird species, including many from various priority species lists. The tract provides exceptional habitat for waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds commonly found throughout the upper Texas coast.
Future Land to Preserve
Artist Boat is preparing to close on an additional 65-acres in Anchor Bay through a $1.461 million dollar acquisition grant. Many donors have come together to make this acquisition possible: United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS),The Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program, Texas Parks and Wildlife Service, 1% to Conserve Galveston Island, West Galveston Island Property Owners Association, John Campbell, Dominick and Barbara Sasser, Spanish Grant Civic Association, Robert and Susan Lynch, Galveston Island Investments, and Galveston Bay Foundation.
Funding to maintain the Artist Boat Coastal Heritage Preserve is provided by Citgo and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.