Professional Development
For Teachers and Educators
Artist Boat is a TEA certified Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Provider for Texas!
Teachers & Classes Needed
for FREE Education Programs!
Engineering, and Medicine announced today an award of $5.1 million dollars
to fund 12 place-based education projects in the Gulf of Mexico region targeted
toward students in grades K-8.
such as mapping litter in Louisiana communities, restoring salt marshes
with recycled glass in Mississippi, and participating in immersive
field trips and camps in Texas and Florida.
Additionally, local teachers from Gulf states will receive paid
professional development opportunities to incorporate
place-based education into their practice.
across the Gulf of Mexico region, helping them deepen their connection to place,
continue to build their scientific and environmental literacy, and work toward the betterment
of the region at large,” said Karena Mothershed, director of GRP’s Board on Gulf Education and Engagement.
Threading Student-Led Decision-Making and Action Into
STEAM-Powered Blue Carbon Place-Based Experiences
(Sustained Training for Youth Leadership in the Environment)
Project Director
Karla Klay, Artist Boat
Students will receive a yearlong hands-on, place-based program
(STEAM-Powered Blue Carbon – Inquiry Workshops,
Eco-Art and Blue Carbon Workshops, Eco-Art Kayak Adventures,
Action Planning, and Action Projects) facilitated by their teachers
and Eco-Art educators (marine biologists and artists) who are
trained to foster student-led and inquiry based learning
in place that results in students who self-determine their
products to share environmental issues and solutions.
Additionally, Artist Boat will provide professional development
to 50 teachers and key staff who will facilitate the transformative
program through focus on student-led decision-making,
questions for investigations, and design thinking to determine actions.
The participants are from the five counties surrounding
Galveston Bay (Galveston, Chambers, Brazoria, Harris, and Fort Bend Counties),
which cover a large and diverse geographic (rural/inner city),
cultural (ethnicity/religions), and socioeconomic audience
of students who are underserved and underrepre
National Academies Gulf Research
Program Award allows Artist Boat to
serve 50 Middle School Teachers
and their Classes.
This place based and phenomena driven curriculum will engage students,
6th to 8th grade, in their inquiry-based nature as they learn about climate,
land use, and native species through field investigations and hands-on discoveries.
Artist Boat will provide paid professional development to 50 teachers and
key staff who will co-facilitate the transformative program through focus
on student-led decision making, questions for investigations, and design
thinking to determine actions. By participating over two years, teachers
will be confident in leading decision thinking lessons in the future.
FREE Programming Includes
Carbon “Footprint” Assessment Workshop
2 hrs – carbon usage inquiry
Eco Art Workshop
2 hours – Science and Art
Eco Art Kayak Inquiry workshop
2 hrs – Driving Question planning
Eco Art Kayak Adventure
4 hrs – Kayaking at the Coastal Heritage Preserve
Blue Carbon Workshop
2 hrs – Climate Science and Art
Action Project Planning workshop
3 hrs – design a small-scale, measurable project
Action Project
4 weeks – action project data collection and project execution
Action Project Presentation
Paid Professional Development
30 hrs – $1200 Stipend
To have your classes participate, please fill out the application
and email it to