Teaching Youth
Workshops, Adventures, Residencies and Camps
Inside This Section
Camps | Adventures | Residency Programs | Curriculum | Virtual Adventures | Professional Development
Spring Break Eco-Art Camps
Ages 5 to 10
Explore, Observe, and Create in the Artist Boat Eco-Art Camp Sessions! Artist Boat Eco-Art Campers will experience true science and art enrichment with outdoor activities and art projects. Join us for inspirational education!
Registration is required and spaces are limited to 12 students to ensure small camp size and individual attention. Have questions? Give us a call! 409-632-0388.
To see the schedule and register for Eco-Art Camp, click the Button below.
Summer Eco-Art Camps
Explore, Observe, and Create in the Artist Boat Eco-Art Camp Sessions! Artist Boat Eco-Art Campers will experience true science and art enrichment with outdoor activities and art projects. Join us for inspirational education!
Due to the nature of the camps, sessions are designed for children ages 5 to 10.
Registration is required and spaces are limited to 12 students to ensure small camp size and individual attention. Have questions? Give us a call! 409-632-0388.
To see the schedule and register for Eco-Art Camp, click the Button below.
Summer ECO Camps
Explore, Observe, and Create in the Artist Boat ECO Camp Sessions! Artist Boat ECO Campers will experience true science enrichment with outdoor adventures and activities. Join us for inspirational education!
Due to the nature of the camps, sessions are designed for children ages 11-15.
Registration is required and spaces are limited to 10 students to ensure small camp size and individual attention. Have questions? Give us a call! 409-632-0388.
To see the schedule and register for ECO Camp, click the Button below.
Habitat Restoration Adventures
Restoration Adventures are free service-learning opportunities at our Coastal Heritage Preserve. Students steward the land by removing invasive species, maintaining and planting native prairie grasses, and learning how to identify native flora and fauna. Artist Boat Eco-Art Educators guide students through these tasks while educating them on the importance of conservation areas like the Coastal Heritage Preserve. Students learn the primary functions of wetlands and coastal upland prairies, the major threats facing coastal habitats, and how they help protect these ecosystems and the wildlife they support.
Contact Sarah Frantz, Education Program Manager for more information.
Eco-Art Workshops and Kayak Adventures
During adventures (kayak, walking, or vessel) students participate in hands-on and feet-in instruction via outdoor and experiential learning to explore estuarine ecology, plain-air water coloring, water quality, and paddling safety. In-class workshops are interactive and hands-on, while introducing concepts such as non-point source pollution, estuarine and marine ecology, and wetland function. In addition, every student produces his or her own water-color portrait of a native animal from Galveston Bay.
Contact Sarah Frantz, Education Program Manager for more information.
Eco-Art Residencies
Eco-Art Residencies integrate art and science and are delivered to students as enrichment through after-school programs, summer programs, or during the school year. Each residency results in a work of art that demonstrates the knowledge gained during the residency. The scope, scale, and price of the residencies are customized for the needs of the campus community. Residences, therefore, have culminated in the creation of small take-home projects and large murals, mosaics, and metal sculptures that have become permanent learning legacy installations on campuses throughout the area.
Artist Boat Curriculum
Artist Boat produced a Bolivar Habitat Preserve Field and Curriculum Guide for Educators to the teachers at Crenshaw School of Environmental Studies.
This arts-based environmental education curriculum is designed specifically to inspire teaching and learning on the Bolivar Habitat Preserve, a 22-acre wildlife habitat adjacent to the school.
The curriculum represents years of a collaborative effort among Artist Boat, the UTMB National Institute for Environmental Health and Science, the Sealy Center for Environmental Health and Medicine, Galveston Independent School District, Crenshaw School for Environmental Studies, and Gulf Coast Center Precision Environmental Health. We are deeply grateful for these partnerships!
The completed curriculum includes a robust introduction to the dune swale complex ecosystem and its five representative habitats, including five hand-illustrated habitat posters and 27 lesson plans for students in grades K-8.
Artist Boat Environmental Posters
Artist Boat Environmental Posters
Bolivar Curriculum
Bolivar Habitat Preserve Field and Curriculum Guide For Educators
NOAA BWET Island Style
1 – ELA Pre Lesson – (Connection to the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Bay)
2 – SS Pre Lesson – (How Can You Save A Town From A Hurricane?)
3 – Artist Boat Lesson – (Galveston Bay Watershed – An Eco-Art Workshop)
3 – Artist Boat Lesson – (Watercolor Painting – An Eco-Art Workshop)
4 – Math Pre Lesson – (How Many Snapper Can I Keep?)
5 – Artist Boat Lesson – (Kayak Adventure and Water Quality)
6 – Math Post Lesson (How to Restore a Marsh)
7 – SS Post – (Mock Fisheries Debate)
8 – Science Pre Lesson – (Coral Structure and Function)
9 – Artist Boat Lesson – (Blue Carbon – Interpretive Art)
9 – Artist Boat Lesson – (Blue Carbon – Science)
10 – Science Post Lesson – (Soft Corals & Oil Spills) – Updated
11 – ELA Post Lesson (Concrete Poems Marine Debris)
Your Health and Safety
Artist Boat has always had safety at the forefront of our guided-interpretive tours, and our number one priority is the safety of all guests. Artist Boat is committed to following the recommendations from recognized health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Artist Boat is a leader in outdoor educational experiences for small groups led by scientists and artists. But what happens when you can’t meet us for a unique coastal experience? We bring the experience to you through series of 4 videos explaining the importance of Galveston Bay and wetland ecosystems, showing you how to power a kayak, take water quality measurements, and plein air watercolor paint in a kayak. Anyone K-Gray can join us on this virtual adventure that will inspire you to preserve coastal and marine environments and entice you to join us on our next Eco-Art Kayak Adventure.
Watershed Model Video:
How to Paddle Video:
Water Quality of Galveston Bay Video:
Wetland Talk and Plein Air Watercolor Painting Video:
Professional Development
Artist Boat Integrated art and science curricula includes:
- Coastal Waters Institute
- Science + Art = Partner
- The Art of Metamorphosis
- I Smell Something Fishy
- NOAA Professional Development
Contact Sarah Frantz, Education Program Manager for more information.